at Walden 3

BABY at Walden 3; Greg Lundgren, curator
May 6 — June 1, 2014

In 2013 artists Amanda Manitach and DK Pan were commissioned to publicly conceive and publicly give birth to a child that would constitute the first human art project of its kind. Click here for full exhibition information.

“Amanda’s water broke on May 1st and our staff (totally freaked out) braced for her arrival. Dr. Robert Weinsheimer was called in, as was Alex Austin – Amanda’s flask carrying doula. We called the lawyers, our documentarians and sent out a flash press release. Within the hour The Mercer Gallery was filled with over a hundred paper-mask wearing art patrons and friends, all buzzing with the excitement surrounding the Delivery performance.

In anticipation of BABY, we had constructed a glass walled delivery room and nursery on the west side of the gallery, specifically for the Delivery performance, exhibition and feeding. The crowd surged towards the glass with a surprising number of children front row and center for the Delivery.

I’ve never heard a woman swear so much.”

— Walden 3: BABY in the Mercer Gallery


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